Privacy Policy

This document contains the privacy practices and policy (collectively, the “Privacy Policy”) for Care Cooperative, Inc.’s (“Care Cooperative”, “our” or “we”) software platform and websites (individually, a “Site” or collectively, the "Sites"). These Sites are owned and operated by or on behalf of Care Cooperative.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you and/or your organization (hereinafter referred to as the “user” or “users”) about: (i) the information that is collected about users on the Sites; (ii) how Care Cooperative may use and disclose the information that is collected; (iii) how information can be corrected or changed; and (iv) users’ obligations regarding information about other users that users may encounter when using the Sites.

Please note that this Privacy Policy only governs information gathered from users online through the Sites.

Collection of Information by Care Cooperative

Care Cooperative’s server automatically recognizes and collects the domain name and Internet Protocol (“IP”) address of users who access our Sites. In addition, we collect information volunteered by the user to participate in activities on the Sites, such as: (i) creating and/or submitting a request for a donation; (ii) funding a requested donation; (iii) supporting Care Cooperative through a contribution to its operating expenses; (iv) registering to create a user account; and (v) contacting Care Cooperative through one or more of Care Cooperative’s email addresses regarding partnerships, career opportunities, general information or for other purposes.

When a user registers to create a user account, Care Cooperative requests information that includes, but is not limited to, the user’s: (i) member category (specifically, whether the user is a donor or a medical facility); (ii) name; (iii) job title; (iv) organization name; (v) email address; (vi) phone number; (vii) mailing address; and (viii) any message that the user elects to provide.

If a user has enabled cookies in an Internet browser, Care Cooperative will send a cookie file that will store a unique, random session identification that is maintained throughout the session to track the pages visited. This practice enables Care Cooperative to provide users of our Sites with certain conveniences, such as delivering user-tailored content. Care Cooperative also uses cookies to track the path of users through our Sites and to determine from where users originate (such as when a user arrives at Care Cooperative through a search engine). Care Cooperative collects aggregate tracking information derived primarily from, but not limited to, counting page views, visits and audience size throughout our Sites.

Protection of Information by Care Cooperative

Care Cooperative exerts reasonable efforts to protect personal information received from users of our Sites from unauthorized use or disclosure. We do not allow unauthorized access via the Internet to the portion of our server that contains personally identifiable user information. Information pertaining to credit cards provided as requested on the Sites for donations is encrypted using the SSL protocol. Care Cooperative uses credit card information entered by the user to conduct the transaction authorized by the user. Care Cooperative does not retain credit card information after the transaction is complete. All credit card information is stored on the secure servers of Care Cooperative's payment processor.

Use of Information by Care Cooperative

General: Care Cooperative uses information for the following general purposes that include, but are not limited to: (i) evaluating requests from medical facilities for donations; (ii) facilitating donors’ ability to identify, assess, select and submit donations to fulfill medical facilities’ requests; (iii) providing information to users so that users can appropriately, effectively and efficiently use the Sites; (iv) tailoring the content, design and functionality of the Sites for each user through individual- and aggregate-level user demographic information; (v) analyzing information to adjust and improve the content, design and functionality of the Sites; and (vi) contacting users.

Contacting Users: By creating an account on a Site, users agree to receive emails based on transactional activity which includes, but is not limited to: (i) confirmation messages; (ii) receipts; (iii) acknowledgment messages; (iv) updates on requests that a user has created; (v) updates on requests that a user has funded; (vi) requests matching criteria affiliated with previous requests created by a user; and (vii) requests matching criteria affiliated with previous requests funded by a user.

Furthermore, users may subscribe to receive content and news from the Sites. Such subscriptions are elective and users can unsubscribe at any time. Email addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers provided by users of the Sites will only be used to send communications from Care Cooperative. Care Cooperative strictly enforces privacy, and as a result, email addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers are not sold, leased, bartered or traded to or with any third parties.

Requests, Donations and Other Products or Services: By voluntarily providing Care Cooperative with user information that includes, but is not limited to, a user’s: (i) member category (specifically, whether the user is a donor or a medical facility); (ii) name; (iii) job title; (iv) organization name; (v) email address; (vi) phone number; (vii) mailing address; (viii) any message that the user elects to provide; (ix) credit card information; (x) billing address; and (xi) any other personally identifiable information, the user consents to Care Cooperative’s use of such information for the purposes for which it was collected. These purposes include, but are not limited to: (i) processing requests for donations; (ii) processing donations to fund requests; (iii) issuing or refunding donations; and (iv) providing any other Care Cooperative product or service.

Aggregate Data: Care Cooperative may collect information about the use of the Sites including, but not limited to: (i) the activities of users while using the Sites; (ii) the frequency and duration with which activities or services are used on the Sites; and (iii) the number of users that visit the Sites at particular hourly, daily, weekly or other time intervals. This information is collected in aggregate form, without identifying any user individually. Care Cooperative may use this aggregate information for statistical analysis, marketing or promotional purposes. The use of such aggregate information may include disclosure of this information to a third party for analysis, marketing or promotional purposes relevant to Care Cooperative.

Disclosure of Information by Care Cooperative

Care Cooperative does not sell, lease, barter or trade users’ personal information to others without users’ express consent. We disclose users’ personal information only to process credit card transactions or in the following circumstances:

Governmental Order: Care Cooperative may provide users’ personal information if necessary, in Care Cooperative's good faith judgment, to comply with laws or regulations of a governmental or regulatory body or in response to a valid subpoena, warrant or order or to protect the rights of Care Cooperative or others.

Business Transition: In the event of a Care Cooperative business transition, including but not limited to a merger, acquisition by another entity, or sale of all or a portion of Care Cooperative’s assets, we reserve the right to transfer users’ personal information as part of any assets that may be transferred.

Contractors and Other Third Party Service Providers: Care Cooperative may employ contractors or other third parties. These contractors or other third parties may have access to users’ personal information if necessary to perform particular functions or services for Care Cooperative; provided, however, that such contractors or other third party providers only use the personal information for the purpose of performing the particular function or service and may not use it for any other purpose.

Matching Contributions: For users that are donors, Care Cooperative may disclose users’ contact information (including, but not limited to, a user’s: (i) member category (specifically, whether the user is a donor or a medical facility); (ii) name; (iii) job title; (iv) organization name; (v) email address; (vi) phone number; and (vii) mailing address) as well as information related to the donation request funded by the user to the user’s employer if the user has notified Care Cooperative that the user’s employer will match the user’s donation for the purposes of enabling the employer to make a matching donation. Care Cooperative is not responsible for the privacy practices of users’ employers, and as a result, users should refer to their respective employers’ privacy policies.

Third Party Websites: Care Cooperative is not responsible for the content, services, privacy policies or practices of third party websites to which Care Cooperative may provide hyperlinks through its Sites or of the websites of Care Cooperative’s affiliates, partners or sponsors.

Medical Facilities

The following additional terms apply to users categorized as medical facilities and who create a request for donations or who are approved by Care Cooperative to create a request for donations on the Sites:

General: Care Cooperative will only disclose a medical facility user’s (i) name; (ii) job title; (iii) email address; (iv) phone number; and (v) mailing address in the circumstances identified below. Care Cooperative may, however, disclose a medical facility’s (i) organization name; (ii) donation request information; and (iii) feedback compiled from funded requests.

Verification of Affiliation: The contact information (including, but not limited to, a user’s: (i) name; (ii) job title; (iii) organization name; (iv) email address; (v) phone number; and (vi) mailing address) of users who indicate an affiliation with a medical facility may be shared with the medical facility for purposes of verification that the user is employed by the medical facility. Care Cooperative’s agreement with the medical facility, however, only permits the medical facility to use such personal information for the purpose of performing verification functions and prohibits the medical facility from using such information for any other purpose.

Donation Requests: Care Cooperative will provide users of the Sites with information regarding requested donations. For shipping and fulfillment purposes for requests that have been funded, Care Cooperative will provide the name of the user associated with the medical facility and the medical facility’s mailing address to Care Cooperative’s electronic procurement partners, vendors, and service providers. Care Cooperative is not responsible for the privacy practices of these procurement partners, vendors and service providers, and as a result, users should refer to the privacy policies of these procurement partners, vendors and service providers.

Users’ Rights to Access and Amend Personal Information

A user has the right to request access to the personal information that Care Cooperative records about the user. This right includes the right to view such information and copy it in person, or request that a copy of it be sent to the user by mail (for which Care Cooperative may charge a reasonable fee to cover production and mailing costs). This right also includes the right to request corrections, amendments or deletions of any personal information that is specific to the requesting user and is in Care Cooperative’s possession.

The request should include the user’s: (i) name; (ii) email address; (iii) mailing address; (iv) phone number; (v) recorded information to which the user would like access or that which is in dispute; and (vi) the identity of the document or record that contains the disputed information.

The request should state whether the user would like access in person or a copy of the information sent to the user by mail. Upon receipt of a user’s request, Care Cooperative will contact the user within thirty (30) business days to: (i) arrange access in person; (ii) provide the requested copies; (iii) notify the user that the requested corrections, amendments or deletions have been completed; or (iv) refuse to fulfill the user’s request and the reason or reasons for the refusal. In the event of a refusal, the user will be provided with an opportunity to challenge the refusal.

Contact Care Cooperative

In the event of questions regarding Care Cooperative’s Privacy Policy, please contact Care Cooperative.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be changed or updated by Care Cooperative at any time, and in such situations, will be reflected on the Sites.